Limited innovation in automotive technologies in the country due to limited competition, slow technology transfer. However, this all adds up to a huge opportunity.

The Auto industry in Pakistan, including automobiles and allied industries, is the one of the fastest growing industries of the country. The Auto and similar industries play a pivotal role within the large-scale manufacturing sectors in stimulating economic growth.

AUTOMOTIVE RESEARCH CENTRE (THE ARC) at NUST, is the country’s leading group in the Auto sector, with focus on Engine Tribology, Powertrain Systems, IC Engines, Sensor Technology, Data Acquisition and Instrumentation. NUST also provides cost effective and robust solutions to the Auto Industry. NUST has successfully developed an Engine Blow-by Monitoring System for off-road vehicles, instrumentation and testing of Audi TDi engine for valve train performance, Engine Health Monitoring System for engines up to 150kw and Engine Test Cell for Green Engines.

Auto Tech theme at NSTP will focus its R&D on auto manufacturing with energy efficiency, optimisation of powertrains, electric vehicles, improvement of logistics systems i.e. transportation, trucking etc., safety in transportation and traffic management.