China Pakistan Technology Transfer Centre

Higher Education Institutions of progressive countries, have strengthened their technology transfer function as a complement to knowledge and research, boosting the business capacities with their performance and even creating new technology-based companies. Thus, Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) are established in universities as well as at national level, with different kinds of organisational structures whose common core role is to assist public research organisations in managing their intellectual assets in ways that facilitate their transformation into benefits for society. In doing this, TTO helps to bridge the gap between research, innovation, industry and society at national and international platforms.

Being cognisant of the significant role that universities can play in knowledge economy, National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) established Technology Transfer Office in 2011. This dedicated office is responsible for the transfer of knowledge and translation of scientific results into real-world innovation. The office was founded in order to build entrepreneurial spirit, organise the transfer of new technological approaches, and arrange the early-stage financing of transfer projects, backed by experience of successfully conducted technology transfer of NUST-owned Intellectual Property Rights to the local industry in Pakistan.

Being the only Pakistani university to transfer technology to industry, NUST decided to enhance the scope of its TTO to embrace technology transfer in the international market. In this connection, NUST in collaboration with China International Technology Transfer Center (CITTC) established China Pakistan Technology Transfer Centre (CPTTC) in Islamabad and Beijing.

About Us

China Pakistan Technology Transfer Centre (CPTTC), established at NUST, facilitates technology transfer between China and Pakistan, providing soft-landing to companies of both the countries to enter into each other’s markets. The Centre acts as a bridge and gateway between the industries and innovative resources of both countries, especially to extend the much needed support in view of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). CPTTC at NUST collaborates with CPTTC Beijing to strengthen both countries’ bi-lateral commitment, through technological and innovation partnerships, to provide opportunities for Pakistani and Chinese S&T enterprises, institutions, R&D organisations and resources to grow in respective markets. In addition, these Centres are tasked to facilitate development of Science and Technology Parks (STPs) in Pakistan as hubs of research and development for S&T enterprises and S&T professionals, including scientists, researchers, entrepreneurs, and businesses to develop their collective resources and to become hubs of Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) cooperation along the Belt and Road Corridor.

Core Areas

The Centre facilitates bi-directional technology transfer and opens new avenues for business, technical cooperation and soft landing of Pakistani and Chinese S&T enterprises in respective markets. The Centre provides services in 6 key areas:

  1. Research and Innovation
    This section makes key connections for scientists, departments, students & universities between the two countries.
  2. Start-ups & Entrepreneurs
    This section helps start-ups & entrepreneurs develop their business in order to achieve maximum results in different markets.
  3. Events, Meeting and Professional Trainings
    This section focuses on organising events that facilitate cross border science, technology and commercial transactions.
  4. Commerce & Trade
    This section focuses on helping Pakistani companies enter the Chinese market and Chinese companies enter the Pakistani market.
  5. Investment & Financing
    This section is connected to public and private investors seeking new innovations, market-ready technologies and high growth potential start-ups & entrepreneurs.
  6. IP, Legal & Regulatory Affairs
    This section houses legal staff who are well versed in Chinese & Pakistani IP laws.

CPTTC also holds huge potential for universities by providing customised technology transfer and IP licensing-specific trainings/seminars and workshops.


The Centre holds great promise for all sectors dealing with technologies including, universities, industries and research centres. The CPTTC provides following services:

  1. Facilitate technology transfer between China and Pakistan, as well as amongst projects along Belt and Road Corridors, by acting as hubs of innovation and scientific development in the areas required by Belt and Road projects.
  2. Offer Pakistani and Chinese scientists, Science & Technology (S&T) entrepreneurs and S&T businesses opportunities to meet potential research partners, joint-venture partners, manufacturers, distributors and investors.
  3. Facilitate the soft landing of Pakistani S&T enterprises in China and Chinese enterprises in Pakistan, in existing incubators and Science & Technology Parks (STPs).
  4. Increase technical cooperation in various fields including Artificial Intelligence, Nanotechnology, Quantum Computing, Smart Cities, New Materials, Renewable Energy and Biopharmaceuticals.
  5. Facilitate exchange of scientists between Chinese and Pakistani universities and research institutes.
  6. Nurture science and technology start-ups and entrepreneurs, and assist their market entry in Chinese, Pakistani and Belt and Road markets.
  7. Offer Pakistani and Chinese science, research, industry, and related organisations, the opportunities to promote their respective interests in one another’s countries. CPTTC coordinates activities and events that include relevant audiences and potential partners. It could also offer opportunities for working-level meetings and workshops, throughout Pakistan and China.
  8. Organise Belt and Road S&T Entrepreneurs’ Tour of China to help entrepreneurs understand the Chinese business landscape.
  9. Organise thematic exhibitions in each country to exhibit market ready projects.
  10. Organise and deliver professional trainings in Technology Management, Intellectual Property Rights, Rules and Regulations, Licensing, Spinoffs, etc.


  1. Universities:
    CPTTC provides a channel for university-developed technologies to reach an international market and create joint research opportunities. This approach leads to development of more commercially viable technologies. Researchers from both countries benefit from the joint research collaboration. Moreover, the Centre showcases areas of potential research from where universities can get engaged in new research projects. The Centre also provides technology transfer services to other universities.
  2. Industries:
    CPTTC brings innovations and new technologies to industries, that are developed by universities and innovators in both countries. It provides opportunities to the local Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to expand their businesses outside Pakistan, as well as to Chinese innovative industries to enter into the Pakistani market. The industries benefit by being in touch with state-of-the-art research institutes in Pakistan and China.
  3. Innovators/Inventors:
    The innovators and inventors are introduced to markets suitable for their inventions. Moreover, industrial matchmaking services are provided to inventors to project their ideas into the market and seek potential customers for their technologies. CPTTC provides a structured approach for innovators to license out their technologies, in local as well as Chinese markets.
  4. Students:
    CPTTC provides research and job opportunities to students. Moreover, the Centre provides counselling for research and innovation to students, by connecting them with universities in China. The Centre also acts as a portal for Pakistani and Chinese students to study in joint study programmes in universities of both the countries.

Contact Us


For more information, CPTTC may be approached at